Hi there! I'm the nature-loving photographer of the group. With nearly ten years of photography experience, I love to work with couples, families and seniors. I love to find what is unique to every person that steps in front of my lens and capture it perfectly.

Beyond photography, I'm a forager at heart, fascinated by mushrooms, berries and pretty much anything that grows in nature.

When not behind the camera and not hanging with my two wonderful kiddos, you could easily run into me hiking at a park in the area, which is one of my favorite things to do. I truly do feel refreshed and rejuvenated when I'm out exploring more amazing locations to shoot or heading out on a backpacking adventure with a client who's up for something out of the ordinary.

I truly love what I do! My life is a beautiful blend of family, photography and the joy found in nature. I'm excited to welcome you to the family!


Hi there! I'm the nature-loving photographer of the group. With nearly ten years of photography experience, I love to work with couples, families and seniors. I love to find what is unique to every person that steps in front of my lens and capture it perfectly.

Beyond photography, I'm a forager at heart, fascinated by mushrooms, berries and pretty much anything that grows in nature.

When not behind the camera and not hanging with my two wonderful kiddos, you could easily run into me hiking at a park in the area, which is one of my favorite things to do. I truly do feel refreshed and rejuvenated when I'm out exploring more amazing locations to shoot or heading out on a backpacking adventure with a client who's up for something out of the ordinary.

I truly love what I do! My life is a beautiful blend of family, photography and the joy found in nature. I'm excited to welcome you to the family!

MEET danielle

Danielle's Favorite Creations

Daielle's Favorite Creations

more about her


| Early mornings with a cup of coffee
| Quality time with her two daughters
| Outdoor adventures
| Astrology
| All animals and creatures but mostly CATS


| Crowded places of all kinds
| Running
| Beer
| Thrill rides
| Classic Rock